Real Estate’s pages have moved to the Financial Services Department. You can now access all relevant information and resources in the Community Services section on

The City of Austin owns properties all over the City and in the surrounding counties, both for specific uses by City departments, as well as public uses such as parks and recreation. Real Estate Services is the single point of contact for citizen inquiries about any particular property owned by the City.

Contact for any and all questions about City of Austin property inventory or the status of a particular piece of City-owned property. Or you may call (512) 974-7090.

Map of City of Austin Facilities

Please click on the links below to view lists and maps of City of Austin facilities across the City and within each Council District. Please note that this information reflects properties in the Real Estate Services inventory as of February 2014, and may not reflect the entire inventory of City facilities across all City departments The City of Austin makes no warranty about the accuracy or completeness of this data.. (All files are PDF)

Search Properties Owned by the City of Austin (Properties Managed by ORES)

  1. The quickest and most versatile way to search and identify current City-owned property is using the Property Profile GIS Viewer, which allows you to highlight all City-owned parcels of land, zoom in and out on the map, and click on each parcel for a variety of additional property information. A guide to searching City-owned properties on the GIS Viewer is available here. To make the best use of the full range of tools and information available from this Viewer, please click on the Help tab in the viewer if you need assistance. Please note that the data in this viewer is not updated automatically or in real-time, and the City of Austin makes no warranty regarding the specific accuracy or completeness of this data.
  2. The City's Open Data Initiative includes an aerial map and data set of City-owned properties managed by ORES based on ORES property inventory documents from 2008. Unlike the GIS Viewer, this map does not outline the boundaries of each parcel.
  3. You may also view this matching table from 2008 listing City-owned properties managed by the Office of Real Estate Services (PDF, 200 KB), including property address, size of the parcel of land, Travis Central Appraisal District ID number, and a City map grid number (e.g., “M23”) which corresponds to a location within the City zoning grid. (The grid is found both on the Development GIS Viewer, and on a PDF map (4.1 MB) produced by the City GIS and Maps Department.) The corresponding map book is also available for download, though due to its size (over 400 pages) it is split into 5 separate PDF documents: Part 1, Part 2, Part 3, Part 4, Part 5. Because of the document size and lack of update, the online map resources are more useful for reference.

For Further Reference:

Williamson County  Caldwell County  Hays County  Bastrop County  Burnet County

  • Search publicly recorded deed records at the Travis County Clerk's Office,  or via one of the following County Clerk's Office websites:

Williamson County  Bastrop County  Burnet County


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